2025 Trees for Neighborhoods Email Notification |
Thank you for your interest in the Trees for Neighborhoods program!
Please complete this survey if you would like to be added to the notification list for the 2025 Trees for Neighborhoods program.
Being on this list means you will receive an email once the 2025 program application is open with a link to the application and a breakdown of the tree species being offered next year.
Please keep in mind that your planting address must be within Seattle City limits. This program does not serve unincorporated King County or other municipalities outside of Seattle.
If you have questions, email us at TreesforNeighborhoods@seattle.gov or call us at 206-327-2434. Thank you!
If you have questions, email us at TreesforNeighborhoods@seattle.gov or call us at 206-327-2434. Thank you!
Although privacy laws protect some personal information, this registration is a public record and may be disclosed if requested. The law prohibits use for commercial purposes.